Our Curriculum Vision

At JCP the curriculum is at the heart of our school’s purpose and reflects our core values, Aspire, Inquire, Excel, Belong. Our curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils to have ambitious goals in order to reach their full potential. We value a rich curriculum that not only supports academic excellence but promotes a healthy lifestyle that contributes to developing pupils physically, emotionally, spiritually and morally. In our pursuit of excellence, we will provide our pupils with engaging, dynamic learning experiences that enable them to think, reflect, investigate, and explore in our ever-changing world. 

Our Curriculum Aims 

When pupils leave us at KS2, we aim for them to have the confidence, resilience and increasing maturity to deal with whatever is next in their lives. Our curriculum will provide the children with a range of experiences that uses all that Jersey has to offer through visits, visitors and first-hand experiences. 

At JCP we want our learners to: 

  • Have high expectations and achieve well 
  • Follow a curriculum that is meaningful and purposeful 
  • Be exposed to ambitious vocabulary through high quality texts across the curriculum 
  • Develop skills, knowledge and understanding 
  • Access an enriched curriculum with an emphasis on local history and geography 
  • Access outdoor learning and extra-curricular opportunities
  • Maximise opportunities to write across the curriculum
  • Celebrate inclusion and diversity through the curriculum and have opportunities to reason, justify and debate 

We will enrich the curriculum with memorable learning, experiences, including educational visits, outdoor learning opportunities, themed weeks, music concerts, workshops, visiting artists and other hands-on learning experiences.